Constitution and By-Laws of the International Society for Comparative Psychology
September, 1984, Acapulco, Mexico
August, 1986, San Jose, Costa Rica
August 1988, Sydney, Australia
July, 1992, Brussels, Belgium
August 2000, Warsaw, Poland
September 2006, Christchurch, New Zealand
October, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina
November, 2023, Aguascalientes, Mexico
(click here to download a PDF version)
The International Society for Comparative Psychology is organized for the purpose of encouraging the teaching, theoretical development, and empirical investigation of behavior in a comparative context, that is, the study of the evolution and development of behavior. All individuals interested in these aims are eligible to be members and officers of the Society.
ISCP Membership
(A). All individuals who meet the eligibility requirements for membership as specified in the Constitution, and who attend at least one of three consecutive biennial meetings, beginning with the 2008 meeting, are regarded as Active Members of the ISCP until the end of three consecutive unattended meetings.
(B). All individuals who not meet criterion (A) above, but who were listed on the 2006 membership list will be regarded as active members until the end of the 2012 meeting.
Individuals not meeting criteria (A) or (B), above, may be admitted to active membership by a majority vote of the Operations Committee.
Comments and suggestions? Contact the ISCP web manager.